Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Blast from the Past!

Note: The link to the album mentioned in this brief post is down with the “Australia” albums, as well as the link provided in the writing.

So, technology can be great and all, but sometimes it can be surprisingly infuriating, right? So back in March, I was in Australia, and at one point I did a dive at the Great Barrier Reef. It was during a full-day boat trip where they rented out underwater cameras. I ended up renting one with two girls, splitting the cost three ways. One girl took the CD with our photos and promised to send the other two of us the pictures. I never heard from her again and assumed that she’d forgotten or couldn’t figure out my e-mail, or something.

Well, as I was perusing my travel photo albums today, I realized there was a list of albums people shared with me on the right-hand side. Most of them I knew, but one was unfamiliar. It turns out that the girl remembered after all, and somehow I missed the notification that she’d shared the pictures! So, if you’d like to see some low-quality underwater digital pictures, click here: Australia: Great Barrier Reef.

People are good, see? I was so happy to see these, even four months later!


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