Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Getting Old

Halfway through January and thus far I've struggled a bit with a few health ailments. Before the new year, I woke up one morning with a sore, stiff neck and back. Several massages, two visits to a chiropractor, two sessions with an acupuncturist, and one MRI later... it's not quite resolved, although much better. Luckily the MRI didn't show anything underlying the problem, and luckily I've gotten a few nights decent sleep at last. 

There was also a night of intense sick, following a lovely dinner at a Western pizza joint here called Pizza 4P's. Too much cheese, perhaps, or a dirty fork? No idea, but it was a miserable twelve hours of sick. In between bouts of running to the bathroom, I lay groaning on my bed, unable to get comfortable because of my neck and back pain. Poor Jacques was quite concerned, often leaning over to check on me. 

But that was last week. This past weekend was a lovely lazy one for me, mostly, and on Monday - a U.S. federal holiday and so a day off for me - I had lunch at a local place with a friend: nom banh chok, with edible flowers and lots of fresh herbs sprinkled on top of a very mild curry and noodles. It was satisfying without being too heavy, cheap and near where I live. A win!

Later on Monday, I got myself a 90 minute Khmer/Thai massage at a new place I've been meaning to check out called Bodia Spa. Other than the fact that you clamber up three floors worth of stairs, it's got a lovely ambiance to it. And the massage was oh, so relaxing. A Khmer/Thai massage is one where they do stretching movements and press on acupressure points. It was glorious and I was surprised to find myself dozing off now and then, while the masseuse streeeetched and preeeeessed my limbs. Afterwards, I went around the block to a sky bar I'd been to once before, to watch the sunset while eating a pomelo-shrimp salad and drink a fruity iced tea for dinner. 

And finally, I seem to have hit on something that is helping my neck and back pain, which is acupuncture. It's an odd sort of experience for me: neither pleasurable nor unpleasant. The tiny little pin pricks don't hurt (and I'll admit to being a bit afraid of that) unless the muscles cramps, and even then it's just a few seconds. But after my first session on Friday, I slept much better and felt more relaxed. My second session was this evening, so next week I'll report back!

One last thought: my new year's resolutions included getting off social media, and I find that I don't miss it! Instead of scrolling through Facebook for lost chunks of time, I check out the news or read a book or look around me. And I'm posting here more often, too! 

So thus far, the new year is a mixed bag of good things, aches and pains, and yummy food. Fingers crossed the first and last continue on and leave the other behind!

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Critters, Domestic and Otherwise


It was a nice busy week at work, with my neck/shoulder pain easing after a crackin' good time with a chiropractor. Unfortunately, the pain had almost faded when I woke up with it renewed in intensity, so it's back to the drawing board. New pillows, massages, and a chiropractor haven't resolved it, nor drinking more water, nor muscle relaxants. I'm considering acupuncture, though may give the chiropractor another try first. 

That doesn't explain the elephant butt above, does it... 

On Friday, which was a local holiday, I went out to Phnom Tamao Wildlife Center and saw rescued elephants, various types of bears, a pair of binturongs (also known as "bear-cats"), gibbons, tigers, mountain goats and deer. It's a lovely swathe of land about an hour and a half south of Phnom Penh. Wildlife Alliance runs tours there right now, so my friend Lisa and her family and I booked one and off we went. We met Lucky (whose butt is above) and Choukk, the latter of whom was rescued as a young elephant whose foot got stuck in razor wire, and had to be removed. They weren't sure he was going to make it, but then a national prosthetics center took on the challenge and made him a shoe, which he outgrows every six months or so, but which allows him to walk normally. We fed the female elephants -the males being deemed too aggressive - and wandered the park, learning about the various animals. It's a somewhat sprawling park, so that it doesn't feel like the same enclosed horror that many zoos do. I enjoyed it and would go again. 

The tour also included lunch, which was delicious Khmer food: fried rice, cooked vegetables, beef lok lak, and noodle salad, all with a small bowl of Kampot pepper mixed with lime juice as a spice/seasoning. Yum!

I also ventured to two new-to-me restaurants this weekend, one higher end Khmer food and the other French. Both were good and I'll definitely go back!

Arc de Triumph?!
Jacques had a good weekend, too: Saturday and Sunday mornings we went to the Embassy to run around, and he played decently well with a couple other dogs! Closely supervised, of course, but he did great. We also walked somewhere new: Diamond Island, which is a five minute drive from where I live and has the strangest French-inspired construction of shopfronts, apartments, and monuments, all completely empty. It also has a boardwalk which overlooks the river, which is lovely. We'll be back there, too. 

The weather is in the mid-80s, with no rain. The city feels more alive as businesses re-open from their Covid hiatus. (Omicron is not terrible here (yet), but most people mask, inside and out.) A weekend of outings and restaurants, rooftop pool dips and daytime naps, critters both wild and domestic: what a life!

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Getting Control in 2022

It's surreal to say it out loud: 2022. Time flies!

On the second day of 2022, I'm spending quiet time getting myself in order. A stiff, sore neck from a week ago has yet to resolve, so I got a good long massage, which felt good but didn't fix the problem. I took myself out to lunch and read a book. I asked a friend to hunt down a medicated patch for the achy spot on my back. I brushed my shedding dog (and considered bathing him, but haven't ventured that just yet). 

This year, my main goal is to get control of myself. It sounds funny, because really, life is pretty darn good. Cambodia remains an interesting and engaging place to live. I continue to enjoy my work and colleagues. Achy back and sore neck aside, I'm in good health. 

However, for a long time it's felt near impossible to do the things I know would make life even better: get more (and better) sleep; stretch; exercise; eat healthier; host friends for a meal; and other things too. Even though these are all within my reach, it's been hard to flog myself into DOing them. I know I'm not alone in this, too. But I'd like to make a concerted effort this year, and to do so in a focused way without overwhelming myself with expectations. To that end, I made myself a poster that I put up on my wall at home, titled: 30 days, 3 goals, 3 good things. 

30 days - Gives me a finite timeframe, a finish line to look forward to. 

3 goals (that aren't absolute): More movement, less social media. More healthy food, less fried food. More meaningful connections, less gossip. I'm not trying to cut anything out, or only do certain things... just adjust my current actions to do better! I've suspended my Facebook account and managed to avoid fried food for two whole days so far. Hopefully some yoga or swimming will make its way into my days and I can take advantage of some of the wonderful people around me here. 

3 good things - This is a game I played with a friend when posted in Bamako, Mali. It was easy for us to bitch and moan about things all the time; it was a tough place to live and our work lives were incredibly stressful. One day, one of us said, "Ugh! I'm tired of talking about all the bad things. Tell me three good things that happened today." We both laughed, but then actually thought about it, and came up with three things each. Sometimes they were small: "Today I at a nice breakfast," or "Today I slept in." And sometimes they were bigger things, accomplishments or goals reached. Mostly they were small. Thinking about things in a positive light forced us past the glaringly obvious difficulties we faced. So, I will write three good things that happen each day, big or small, for thirty days. 

Do I have bigger goals? Yes, of course. But January is the start of a new year and so I'll approach my goals as the start of going in the right direction. 

And no matter what, successful or not, this face will be around to beg pets from me, so I really can't lose: