Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tick, Tock...

The time is going by far too fast. It's already, technically, Thursday, although I'm only about 19 minutes into the day (ie it's Wednesday night still for me).

The week has been good, although my internal stress-meter has been in the red. There's nothing in particular that's stressing me out, just MY ENTIRE FUTURE in general. Ha. Monday and Tuesday were lovely days and even though I was starting to feel my innards scrunch up with worries and fear and doubt, I was doing all right with managing it.

Today, I went to a travel doctor. My expectations were destroyed as I spent two hours with a nurse discussing prescriptions, malaria and other diseases, maps, safety, insect repellant, sunblock and any manner of important travel things. It was actually a pretty good visit, but at $268 (which doesn't include paying for the four prescriptions she wrote me), I'm in a bit of shock. I'll be that way over-prepared backpacker you see, struggling along the road.

That's the other main stressor: packing. I can do it, I'm sure of it, but getting everything I want to take with me for the next year into a 45L pack and a small day pack is going to be tough. The next day or two will have me rolling clothes, deleting things from my packing list, and deciding whether or not that neck pillow is really needed, among other things. Oh, and I realized that I need a power converter (the adaptor I have is awesome - thanks Bev! - but since my few electronics are not dual-voltage, I need the converter too). Things like this keep creeping up on me and I have to figure out what I'm NOT going to take in order to take the new thing.


Time to try to sleep. Tomorrow's a busy, busy day of worrying, planning, prepping, running errands and trying to enjoy my family while I'm here!

T minus four days and counting....



  1. It sounds like you've got everything under control. And I think that's great that you're taking only a 45L pack - already you're ahead of the ballgame as many backpackers have bags twice that size (filled to the brim with stuff they really don't need!). Packing light is definitely something I'm a big fan of because it means you can get around easier on travel days. And remember you can always buy things that you realize you need once you're on the road! :)

  2. Hey Jessica, thanks for your comment! My main goal with the 45L pack was to be able to travel carry-on as much as possible, as well as not break my back as I travel. :) Your last sentence is my new matra as I'm discarding various items to make everything fit into it, though!
