Friday, September 10, 2010

L'Shana Tova - A New Year in So Many Ways

The Jewish new year (5771 for those who are curious), called Rosh Hashanah - literally, head of the year - just passed on Wednesday night/Thursday day. We celebrated here at my folk's house with a big dinner with our family - mom, dad, Remi and Liz, and me. For me, this was a particularly nice event, since in retrospect, this month is marking many new beginnings for me.

For one, I am surrounded by my family these days, living with my parents and just a few blocks away from my brother. And instead of being a quick weekend visit, or an extended five day visit, I'm here for the month. That's new, and different, and wonderful, fraught with all the emotions that go along with going from complete solo-living and independence to all-day company and support of family. 

Another way this month is new, of course, is in my status: civilian and unemployed. It's odd and awesome and has me alternating between happily foot-loose and confusingly lost. I suppose I feel like I'm just on vacation, still. 

Of course, I'll be starting my world travels in October, and that's a whole new way of thinking and planning and dreaming, too! Today I'll be turning in my application for an International Driver's License. I've scheduled my third Hepatitis B immunization shot ($51!!). And I'm working on researching ticket prices, understanding my health insurance implications, and other travel related "stuff." I have a bit of shopping left to do, but not too much. 

I've been walking in the mornings, although I took today off. The Duke East campus is a few blocks away and I go and walk around it. In total, it's about a 2.8 mile walk. I figure next week I'll start walking with my pack. 

The weather is warm but gorgeous, with blue skies and a slight breeze. Time to go out and soak up some of that sun!

L'shana tova to you all - may your year be a sweet one!


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