Saturday, June 22, 2024

Winding Down in Cambodia & Surrounds

 It's hard to believe I've been in Cambodia nearly three years, but it's true! And now it's that exciting, bittersweet, lonely time, the time to say final good-byes and have farewell meals and go see those last few things. And time to look forward and wonder what life will be like in just a few short months as I settle in at my new assignment in the DC area. 

It's exciting to look both backwards - look at all that I've experienced in the past three years! - and plan for my homecoming with family and friends, a new place to live, starting a new assignment. There's a bittersweet edge as well, to consider all those things I didn't get around to, the people I didn't get to know better. And there's always the question, as a foreign service officer, will I like going domestic after nearly seven years abroad?

And it's lonely, because no matter who helps, or encourages, or advises; no matter how much support I get for my move (and it's a LOT); no matter how prepared I am... I'm doing it by myself. Well, not completely alone, because Jacques will be with me. On the plane, during the layover, upon landing - it's just me. And emotionally, too: saying good-bye is a lonely business! Every single time. 

On the other hand, once through customs, I'll pick up Jacques at baggage claim and then find my friend who is picking me up at the airport. And a whole new adventure will begin and I will not be alone, and all that the U.S. has to offer will be waiting for me. 

I can't wait! And there will always be my memories, some captured in digital photos and others in the corners of my mind and heart. 

What a life...

1 comment:

  1. Well said. This essay captures the complex ambiguity of your chosen path.
    AND I am totally pumped to see you soon!
