It's that time again... time to move to a new country. I've done this twice before with the State Department, and moved from one U.S. state to six times before that. And every time, I feel panicked in the months leading up to the move; confident in the week leading up to the move; and then calmly wondering what I've forgotten in the last few days leading up to the move.
This time around has been no different, and I am now in the "last few days before the move" period.
The pre-move bumps have happened and been, if not resolved, at least accepted. My best friend and companion, Jacques, won't be coming with me right away because I can't find an airline solution to getting him there. That's bump one. Bump two was when the shipping company that was going to send 250lbs of my 'stuff' by air, e-mailed me to say that my shipment had been "lost." I have started the claims process with them and with my insurance company as well; and have been shopping for some of the replaceable items in the meantime.
Is there a third bump in the road? I hope not. I'm both excited - new job doing work I love; new country that is fascinating and beautiful; new people to meet and food to eat - and anxious - COVID; new responsibilities; being so very far from home. It's a healthy mix... right?!
My pre-travel COVID test is scheduled, my suitcases are ready to be packed, and I'm spending good quality time with my parents and Jacques. I visited both grandmothers and other family, and a few friends in the meantime.
Now to wait and see what travel bumps and rewards await!
I’ve cherished this past year with you and Jacques. And now I’m about to follow your new adventure once again. Bon voyage!