Just outside of Bamako, a group of about ten people went for a hike today. Normally there would be a runner's group and a walker's group, but since we got rained out and some of the trails were deemed treacherous, we all hiked together instead.
Beginning of the hike. Interesting wall that stretched quite a ways, maybe marking a township? No idea, really. Just that there was a lot of trash on the side opposite the town. |
The hike begins along a dirt road. |
Roadside view. |
Leaping over obstacles (puddles)! |
There are a lot of partial buildings, the beginnings of construction, in Bamako. |
Workers in the field under the trees. |
Pristine silver tray and teapots amid the dirt and mud and concrete blocks. |
Intrepid explorers. |
First valley view of the hike. |
Man on phone under tree. |
Another great valley view. |
Small home on the hill. |
Trail-side view. |
The three most persistent followers, who asked if I had a ball to give them, or a PSP, or an iPhone or tablet. They also enjoyed having their picture taken. |
Fascinating and very large statue. No signs or descriptions anywhere. Just a guy on a horse overlooking the valley. |
The climb down. |
Malian women are always so colorfully dressed and graceful, somehow. |
A rainbow for our troubles! |
Looks like the crew enjoyed the day. All kinds of questions about the land, village, history, people .... I want to camp out there for a few weeks!