Saturday, August 25, 2012

Sore Tootsies

It’s been a good couple of weeks and I’ve settled into a comfortable if unexciting routine here in DC. Work goes well, with challenges and fun people and interesting projects. I finally got the bill for making my military time count towards a government retirement and will start repaying that – it’ll take me about eighteen months but it’ll be worth it! I say this because it means that when I retire, if it’s after age 62, I’ll get some sort of monthly check from the government for my time served as a government employee, which will now be extended by eight years because of my military service. Depending on how long I am a government employee, that check will up in worth. And, I’ll get that check for the rest of my life. So, I feel good with that decision made (to pay for my eight years). The cost for me is 3% of whatever I earned in the military (base pay only).

Home life is good, although I have not been as active as I’d like due to my feet; they’re hurting! Stretching and icing does help some, but not enough to make the pain go away. I see the podiatrist on Monday and perhaps he’ll have some additional suggestions. In any case, I stay off my feet as much as possible, which is really tough!

DSCN1836Some fun things have happened over the last few weeks. For one, it was fun to see my friend Diane at her engagement party; I got to meet some of her friends and catch up with her. Also, I went up to the Berkshires and celebrated by grand-uncle’s ninetieth birthday, and so got to see and in some cases meet for the first time quite a lot of family. A week after that, my uncle came to DC and stayed with me for a few nights. We enjoyed Jazz in the Garden at the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden, Thai food, and good laughs and conversation. He is the first person I’ve cooked for in my new apartment!

Also, my couchsurfing hostess from Singapore, Jo, and her traveling companion stayed with me during a whirlwind visit to DC. It was fun to complete that circle of hosting one who had hosted me! Speaking of couchsurfing, I have started DSCN1837accepting couchsurfer requests again via the website! Next week I will host Pamela from London for a few nights, and then the following week I will host Kim from Vancouver (she’s deaf and saw that I once knew sign language) as well as Anaelle Lobry from Montreal and her friend from France. Since changing my status to “Maybe” for accepting surfers, I’ve received over a dozen requests! I’m looking forward to hosting again, returning some of that karma that made my own travels so great.

Otherwise, I’ve been spending time with friends and looking for new ones – by Sunday evening I will have been on two dates this weekend! Go me!

Coming up, camping in Shenandoah National Park with Sarah over Labor Day weekend. I’m looking forward to the onset of fall, especially since I’ll get to watch the trees change in Rock Creek Park from my window!

For now, I’m off to watch “Some Like It Hot” for the first time with some girlfriends for a chill Saturday night in!


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